Rent 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment |
Jl. Raya Sukolilo Kasih No.1/19, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60111
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Information about 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment

Area : Sukolilo

City : Surabaya

Developer : PT. Diparamu Rucitra

Year Of Built :

Total Unit : 3500 Unit

Number of Floors : 42

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Type Daily Monthly Yearly Unit
Studio (1 units) IDR 237,999 / night IDR 2,450,000 / month IDR 21,200,000 / year
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2BR (12 units) IDR 287,715 / night IDR 2,942,200 / month IDR 26,416,166 / year
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3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment
Common Questions About
3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment
Harga termurah sewa harian di 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment ialah IDR 265,000
Harga termurah sewa harian untuk tipe studio di 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment ialah IDR 265,000
Harga termurah sewa harian untuk tipe 2 Kamar di 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment ialah IDR 305,000
Harga termurah sewa bulanan di 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment ialah IDR 2,700,000
Harga termurah sewa bulanan untuk tipe studio di 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment ialah IDR 2,750,000
Harga termurah sewa bulanan untuk tipe 2 Kamar di 3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment ialah IDR 2,700,000
Fasilitas yang ada di
3 Bedroom Dian Regency Apartment
24-Hour Security
Access Card
Swimming Pool

Juanda International Airport can be accessed by driving for 40 minutes (18.8 km); 11 minutes drive to Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (3.1 km); 17 minutes drive to University of Airlangga Campus C (5.1 km); Haji Surabaya Hospital is 14 minutes driving (4.7 km).


East Coast Center Mall can be reached by driving for 12 minutes (3.7 km); 19 minutes drive to Galaxy Mall (6 km); 27 minutes drive to Plaza Marina (10 km); 21 minutes drive to Kebun Bibit Wonorejo (7.6 km); Trans Studio Mini Rungkut Surabaya is 22 minutes driving (8.4 km).


Klopo Ondomehan Satay Bu Asih is 31 minutes driving (12 km). Klopo Ondomehan Satay can be considered unique, and different from another satay, because, at the time of processing, they sprinkled with grated coconut. They have a several menu option satay for you to choose, is Shrimp Satay, Marrow Satay, Chicken Satay, Cow Satay which is with peanut sauce.


Rawon Setan Mbak Endang is 29 minutes (12 km). This restaurant has a unique name, is mean satan. Mostly if the culinary has a named called satan its because they served a spicy food. But in here it's not like that, its because it used to be Satan Rawon only open at night, at 10 P.M. But now they have been since morning. You can add other side dishes such as Salted Egg, Tempe, empal, etc.


Soto Ayam Lamongan Cak Har (Keputih) is a 10-minute drive (3.5 km). Warung Soto Ayam Lamongan Cak Har is located near from the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS). This restaurant is never empty of visitors, even at certain hours you will find it difficult to get a seat. You can order the chicken meat according to taste. For example, you order chicken skinless breast, then what is served is the really skinless chicken breast, there is no other mixture. What makes Soto Lamongan Cak Har unique and crowded is their koya seasoning. For the price is very affordable.


Depot Bu Rudy Dharmawangsa is 20 minutes drive (7.6 km). The food menu served at Depot Bu rudy is very diverse, but you should try Empal Shrimp Rice which is the mainstay here. Warm rice served with crispy fried shrimp, soft empal with pervasive herbs, and Mrs. Rudy's onion sauce. Besides food, at Depot Bu Rudy Dharmahusada's you can also buy souvenirs typical of Surabaya. There are a variety of souvenirs here, but if you want to buy the most typical souvenirs from Depot Bu Rudy, you can buy onion chili sauce, chili paste, or fish sauce.

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