Located in Seminyak Bali area, Mutiara Bali Boutique Villa, Resort & Spa offers easy access to every intersting places in Dewata Island Bali. The access to this hotel is also very easy, the guests can use the public transportations in town or you can use the pick up service that the hotel has provided by the guest's request beforehand.
For options of places to go, the guests won't need to travel far because Mutiara Bali Boutique Villa, Resort & Spa gives easiness to visit the interesting places in Bali. Some tourism objects that the guests can enjoy around the hotel are Seminyak Square, Trick Art 3D Museum, and Seminyak beach that can be reached by driving.
All of the service and facilities that are offered by Mutiara Bali Boutique Villa, Resort & Spa will ensure that your staying experience will be unforgettable. Some of the modern facilities that the guests can enjoy are free Wi-Fi access in every rooms, 24 hours receptionist service, quick check in and check out, luggage storing, and Wi-Fi access in every area of the hotel. There are also entertainment facilities such as hot tub, fitness center, outdoor swimming pool, spa, and massage service.
Every rooms in Mutiara Bali Boutique Villa, Resort & Spa has comfort and facilities that will pamper the guests while staying the night in this hotel. The guests can enjoy room facilities such as free Wi-Fi access, room service, private ppol, whirlpool bath tub in some rooms and there's also a seating area to relax.
The restaurant in the hotel area that always served buffet breakfast. While Mutiara Café serves Indonesian and Western facorite cuisine. Option to dine inside the romantic villa is available by request.